The vision of our church is to be a church family for the next generation… a multi-generational church with a special heart for the college students in our city. Leading up to our official launch in Eugene, our team raised financial start-up capital to help us plant Generations Church the right way — a way in which we could freely preach the gospel and do ministry to as many people as possible, without any hint of asking anything in return.

As Generations continues to put down roots here in Eugene, our vision is to move from being a “church plant” to becoming an “established church”, which means becoming financially self-sustaining. Generous and consistent gifts are what we need to establish Generations Church. For the first couple years of our church plant, our sending church (Cornerstone Church of Ames) has offered to manage our accounting. So, this means all of your financial gifts will go directly to Generations Church of Eugene and are 100% tax deductible, but for tax purposes you will get a tax statement from Cornerstone Church of Ames.

Thank you in advance for investing in what God is doing through Generations Church!

If you have any questions, please contact Kendra Gustafson directly at